Bitter sweet moment

Whelp today my babies started school.. 😔 my oldest is in pre-school. That was the hardest for me.. my youngest start head start.. and next year is pre-school.. boy who would of thought sending your 3&4 year old to school would be so hard.. They grow up too fast.. Addy is my hardest one though. So I worry about her.. She’s got some issues up there mentally so I am scared someone won’t know how to treat her or work with her.. It’s only ever been me or grandma.. Daddy comes around sometimes.. They have the same dad.. But daddy doesn’t do so well. She swallowed something a few months back and got rushed for emergency surgery on her through.. I am having a hard time trusting the teachers. But she loves going to school so I have to have some trust..

Aubree.. is very intelligent. I taught her sign language at the age of 1.. She is very good at telling me everything that isn’t okay that happens. So I’m not so worried about her. But I still trust no one..

How do you guys cope with your babies growing up so fast 😭😭😭 my heart hurts.. I miss them so much while they are there. I want to pull them out of school just so they can be little for a little while longer 😔 Just a little longer..