
My five year old daughter has recently stopped wiping herself when she goes to the bathroom. My SIL was the one who brought it to my attention.

My SIL also has decided that my daughter should no longer go to the bathroom by herself. So that someone can make sure that she wipes.

While I appreciate her looking out for my child. While I am ignoring the fact that it annoys me a little that she is making decisions for me.

My daughter is in kindergarten, and right now she is doing school remotely. But eventually she is going to be physically in school. And her teacher is not going to go in the stall with her to watch her pee.

I suggested that we need to handle this in a way that she does not become dependent on someone being in their with her. My SIL then goes on to say that my daughter's health is her main concern and not what will happen in the future.

I am trying to ignore the fact that it sounds like she is saying that I do not care.

But as a mother I do have to handle the issue and think of it in a long term situation.

So I bring this to you...Am I unreasonable and uncaring to think that we need to find a solution that does not have her dependent on an adult going with her? Given that the older she gets she is going to have to be more and more independent.