Should I talk to my boyfriend?

Ever since summer vacation ended my boyfriend has been starting to change with me I don’t know what wrong with him. Back on summer he always wanted to see me and would make plans with me even after work. Now ever time I tell when “are we going to hang out” he always tells me the same thing “idk”

Or “idk when”. I feel like he doesn’t want to see me anymore or hang out with me as much. The last time I saw him in person was last week. But here’s the thing whenever I tell him I’m going to give him something sexual now that is when he wants to see me. I get if he’s busy with work and school but not even that. Ever since school started again and he started college I mean we both did. He has been changing with me and when he didn’t have a job for like a few weeks and I knew he had times on the weekends he didn’t hang out with me or spend time with me. Only late at night when I told him I was going “give him head” and that’s when he agreed to see me. I feel like he doesn’t want to spend time as much time with me anymore. Should I tell him how I feel, but at the same time I don’t want to make him seem as if I am very clingy, but I just feel really upset and I’ve been feeling lonely by him lately.

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