Someone give me some advice please 😣😣


I’m 9 weeks and 3 days and I’ve had nausea and severe cramps. Headaches. And last Thursday and Friday I was unable to walk. I’ve called the doctor and he is meant to be calling me back soon however I’m terrified. Anyone know what this could be? I’ve called sick to work today and I had to last week too. I’m losing money and can’t afford to. I’m paying for now 3 people minimum. I haven’t been able to have a scan yet and I’m a twin and me and my fiancé have history of twins in our family. we have only known for 2 weeks and it’s already been like hell. Every time I eat I throw it back up but if I don’t eat then I have severe cramps and stomach ache. Honestly just want to be able to enjoy this pregnancy that we tried and tried for a while for. I would just like to know what’s going on. Any advice? Or suggestions about what’s going on? I’m so scared and fed up of having to keep an eye on what’s going on. I was unable to get out of bed for a period of time and unable to walk 2 metres without collapsing. Collapsed when tried to take a shower and ended up just sitting on the bottom of the shower. Work thinks that I’ve just been having morning sickness but all day. I’m thinking possibly low blood pressure? Anaemia? Pre-eclampsia? Maybe I’m over reacting idk. Can someone give us some advice? Thank you xx