Updated test pics i included


So I posted in faint line grouos yesterday. Just retested this morning. Still positive. I just had a baby 10 months ago. Here's the thing...this would be my second pregnancy where I got pregnant while on the pill. I don't understand why it isn't working for me, even taking faithfully and the right way. I'm single. My first two children I was in a long term relationship with each of their fathers...obviously didn't work out. Number 3 was my birth control baby. I wasn't with her father. Slept with him once after my brother died, coping in all the wrong ways I guess. Her father has never met her. So.fast forward...I mess with someone a few times after being single for a lomg time and after I got back on pills! So this would be number 4 and with a different father. I don't care what people think, and I know that I'm a great mother...but I can't bare to.think about how I would take care of another one on my own. (Who knows if dad would be there). I'm devastated because I don't personally believe in abortion for myself. I don't want to even have to make this decision. I'm just so sad and my nerves are shot...

Update- So the father wants the baby. He has no kids. This is making the decision even harder because as much as I don't want to give up a baby (literally breaks my heart) something keeps screaming to think this through think this through. I am so lost and feel so selfish that he wants this baby and I'm questioning everything. I really don't know where to go from here guys... this is too emotional