Born 9/9/2020


My bean is here! She was due the 21st but blessed us with her presence two weeks early.

We were planning a natural water birth but ended up with a c-section when at 38 weeks, babygirl’s birthday, we found out that she had flipped probably the previous night. I was at 4.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced so we were sent to the birth center to be monitored for labor. If labor was taking place, we’d have a c-section just because I was already so dilated. If I was not in labor, we would try an aversion to flip babygirl.

We attempted the aversion at 9:30 but it did not work. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, I sobbed in pain for the first time ever, really. When it didn’t work, we were taken to the OR to have this baby. At 10:47pm, my baby was born. I got to see her through the curtain as soon as she was pulled out of me and got skin-to-skin as soon as she was cleaned up. I was sewed up and wheeled to my recovery room, with her on my chest, where I then got to breastfeed immediately.

I mourn the planned birth I had but while it wasn’t my planned birth but it was as perfect as surgery could be ♥️