
Shay • Girl mom! 💖

I could really use some advice. 😞 I work in a childcare center at a hospital. One of my coworkers (used to be a friend of mine), used to be super cool with me. Her and I got along very well. Her and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for the past three years and can’t get pregnant. I know she’s been having a hard time. After she found out that I got pregnant everything started going bad. She started rumors about me saying I’m a terrible mother for working full time during a world pandemic and being pregnant, that I’m rubbing it in her face, that I’m mean to her, and other stuff that I’m sure I don’t even know about. It really hurts me because she doesn’t understand that I never tried to rub anything in her face and that I actually feel bad for her. She is older than me, and makes me feel like we are in grade school with her stupid drama, and she’s trying to get all of my coworkers to hate me. She makes me feel very uncomfortable going to work now, and it’s awkward. I’ve talked to my boss about it but she said there is only so much she can do. I don’t know what to do?