Paranoid Man

I just don't know what to do... My husband is too paranoid and so full of anxiety it's making it hard to deal with him. Everytime we go somewhere he is always rushing me out a store or saying don't stop here go somewhere else. He doesn't like crowds(understandable) but it makes me feel like I can't enjoy my time without worrying about how he is gonna react. If we are in the car and he is driving he speeds and it makes me nervous. He doesn't like sitting at red lights too long because he thinks someone is gonna shoot. His statement is always I'm not gonna let someone get the drop on me. He is very insecure and I have no idea why. He was in the army for a year and a half and idky they never gave him a psych evaluation. He is mentally unstable at times especially when he drinks I can't control him. He thinks having a gun will help me and it's not. One time he thought someone was breaking in and he pulled out a whole automatic rifle. He keeps trying to get me "prepared" in his words. I keep asking for what and he says nothing literally. Today I was supposed to be taking my kids to their dad's house and instead of him saying take me home first he decided to ride with me then tells me get out the car to switch sides. He sees another car in the driveway and assumes I'm trying to set him up. Idk who that man has at his house so I had to text their dad and tell them they weren't coming. My kids were really disappointed my oldest saw us pull up to the house my younger kids were asleep. Once we got home he told me I should have woke up them before we got on the street how I am supposed to wake a 8&3 year old up if I'm driving. Idk what to do or even how to deal with this. Normally my husband doesn't ride with me to drop them off but when I asked him can he ride with me he didn't say anything. He blames me for everything this is not fair....

Oh and btw we are ttc he doesn't have any kids Im really reconsidering having a baby. He is a great person and wonderful stepdad to my kids he literally does everything for us. He is not a bad person he just has trouble controlling his emotions.

I told him I have been in psychology classes and have been in the crazy house myself. My kids have never seem him unstable it's always around me. His uncle was killed in his home a few yrs ago and his mother died from after being released from the mental hospital the year before. His dad is a veteran and tried to make him go to the VA but he refused. He doesn't think anything is wrong with him.