Looks like I’m miscarrying...no pain but bleeding


I was so hopeful for our May baby : (

I really don’t want to be a downer, but maybe it will help someone else.

The other day I started having dark brown discharge. There was no cramping and it was almost black- so I assumed it was old blood. It was light but consistent so I went to ER anyway. They saw a sac but no yolk (they said it was too early for that) and measured me at just under 6 weeks. They said not to worry about the discharge unless I had pain and/or it was red bleeding. The next day it was still light but still there- still no pain. This morning I had a fish of bright red blood. It stopped shortly after - again zero pain or cramps. I’m sure it’s over though as I feel like my symptoms are lessened. It’s so hard not knowing for sure. My doc can’t see me until Tuesday. I called my old Ob and they suggested I go to er and get a draw/ultrasound and see if levels are higher- or, since I’m not having any pain, just wait it out. I want to know, but just can’t bear going to the ER again and finding out in that setting. I really wish I had pain so I knew for sure. Hopefully my body just passes this peacefully.