LO keeps waking up


So my LO is 5.5 months--sleeps in a pack and play right beside our bed. He used to sleep from 9:30-7:30am with very minimal fussing overnight (no feeding needed) until he reached and had his 4 month sleep regression. Those days were the death of me. He would wake up every hour but we pushed through and got a little better but never really like before.

He takes his last nap (cat nap) around 6:45 until 7:30 (the latest) then his last bottle at 9pm. He is usually out by 9:30pm.

Lately, he would ALWAYS wake up at 11pm--but as soon as you pick him up to rock him, he's out like a light. As soon as you put him down, he is wide awake. I've tried feeding him at times too but he refuses it. His eyes are close the whole time he fusses around this time. If we are lucky, he'd fall back asleep around 1230 or 1am...

Unfortunately, he wakes up at 3am or 4am. Same ordeal. I tried feeding, changing him and rocking him but he would not sleep again without me carrying him for almost an hour or two. And guess what? By the time I can put him down, (around 5-6) then he wakes up wanting to start his day 45 minutes later 🙄

I am beyond exhausted. My husband and I work nights--although I only work PRN now so I'm with him almost 24/7. Forgot to mention he does not nap unless held or in the swing (I supervise if he is on the swing)..

Our room is dark, not too hot or cold, white noise is on, he offer a paci, he's changed and offered feeding-- yet he still constantly wakes up wanting to be rocked and held for a LOOOONG time.

Any tips and suggestions to keep me sane?