Does anyone else get harassed at the gym?

I’ve recently started working out because I have back in hip problems, so I’m trying to get more fit to help those issues.

As a 21 year old female, I fucking hate the gym. I have social anxiety and there are so many thirsty ass men that make it such a chore to get myself to go.

I’ve tried multiple gyms and they’re all the same. I put in headphones, I don’t look at anyone, but they still approach me.

Today, I was on a leg machine and an older man tried to wipe my face with a paper towel. I was like “no thank you” and backing up and he kept reaching so I was like “stop” and he goes “I hope you’ll wipe the sweat off my body later”

Last week, I had 4 guys (probably my age) asking if I need help squatting, which would make sense if I was doing it wrong. I was working out my arms so obviously they wanted to just look at my butt. Then they proceeded to follow me around the gym and cat call me through the parking lot.

Pretty much every time I go, there’s someone bothering me and being a creep.

Am I just an easy target or does this happen to anyone else who works out?