Roomates tensions

So, where to begin... our current roommates have grown increasingly hostile, and have been adding stress and pressure to our lifestyle, when we first agreed to rent together we decided on an open sharing policy, with basically all resources, and we have honored that.

The two parties, are husband wife three children and a dog on their side of the house, my husband and i on our side of the house. This past month the roommates wife has been complaining about the water bill being higher than she wanted, and asked us to take only one shower a day, which we agreed to. Then also she asked us to take no more baths only showers, which we also did Agree to. Then she approached us about the electric bill being too high and asked us to keep the closet light in our room off to lower the electric costs... and then just recently also suggested that we no longer share food (she waited until our food was all gone of course) and my husband drew the line and told them we were leaving on the first. I think they are around 700 dollars behind on their electric bill, and 300 or so behind on the water bill, and rent plus utilities are due again in 2 weeks... remind you we paid 380 in rent for A good few months , i dont know if they will even be ok since our rent is going to dissappear from their budget and they were falling behind even with our help. My husband tells me we have two options, either rent at a hotel he can walk to work from since we have no car or buy a car and sleep in it since we wont have a home. If we get the hotel it will eat the majority of our budget, and we will be there likely all winter, and if we get the car then we will have to live in a car until we save up enough to get a home, neither option sounds good, but he also added that if we spend our budget on hotels eventually he may lose his job or something goes wrong, we could end up homeless, so... what would you choose to do?