The hardest thing I ever experienced


Trigger warning!!

I have two girls who are 8 and 6 and two boys that are 3 and 2. I am 34 weeks pregnant currently. Four weeks ago was when my life COMPLETELY fell apart. I have been married 8 years to the father of my children. One night my 8 year old and 6 year old girls were taking a bath and I was washing their bodies and noticed a huge bruise in the shape of a hand print on my 8 year old. I asked her what happened and she immediately started crying. And I mean sobbing crying. I comforted her and got her calmed down enough for her to tell me that.....Her DADDY touched her in her private area and hurt her. He grabbed her so tough or hard he left bad bruises. She said he hurt her really bad. Then she said "he does it a lot mommy but only when your not home and at work". Omg my heart dropped and I began to puke. I got my girls out the bath tub and dressed and I explained to her that she wasn't in trouble and she done NOTHING wrong. The girls went to play in their rooms and my two boys were already asleep.

I walked into the living room and I seen his face and guys I snapped. I jumped on him in the recliner and beat and hit him numerous times. He finally got a grip and threw me off of him and punched me. I started yelling and confronting him about everything. All the low down piece of crap said in return was "you cant prove it" wow he didnt deny it or anything. HOW CAN SOMEONE DO SOMETHING SO VILE AND MEAN TO THEIR CHILD?? THEIR OWN CHILDREN? HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO SICK IN THE HEAD? I called police and my daughter talked to them and they did in fact arrest him. His mother bailed him out the next day! She bailed that MONSTER out after her hurt HER grandchild.

He is on bond and goes to court in November. He isnt allowed near any of us at all as a part of his bail and no contact order. My daughter's and yes they done rape kits on both my girls and a child psychiatrist seen them for a couple days and determined that YES in fact BOTH the girls had been touched and hurt by someone in a sexual and a physical matter. I hope in court they punish him fully. I hate him. He hurt and ruined our lives and yes my girls are permanently scarred. I was fired from my job due to having to miss a lot of work at the beginning for therapist appointments and lawyers and doing everything by myself. I used every bit of savings I had on household bill's. I used last little bit after everything was paid for a little bit of groceries. I wasn't eligible for food stamps previously because my husband and I made to much combined. I just applied wednesday and I'm guessing I should hear something soon. They said it could take up to 12 days but usually way sooner. I called wic today and they will see me for my boys and me being pregnant Tuesday. I have never gotten wic in the past. But I'm trying. I've hit rock bottom and feel like I am so alone. I have no family in America. The couple I have live in Maldova. I have no friends due to working abeinwing a mom. Now I have nothing to feed my children. I went at 9am this morning to a drive in food bank and there was. a huge sign saying they could not do food distribution this week. And wont be back til next Friday. Every hope I had is gone now and with one bottle of ketchup and nothing else edible I am at a loss. I called and visited all 3 local churches and only two I could reach CANNOT help anyone currently due to the financial condition of everything. I'm sitting in the floor crying and all my 8 year old keeps saying its "my fault mommy because I told on daddy and now me and my brothers and sister cant eat supper. I wish I never told I dont want to hurt you mommy" THAT crushed my heart completely.

What can I do next? Where can I call? Who can I reach out to now? Is there any hope at all for us? I'm weak and cant keep on...