Maybe I’m a bad friend idk

I need to rant about this. I’m probably a horrible person, and maybe a bad friend. But I’m tired of bottling it up.

It just baffles me how people can be so selfish and careless.

My “friend” and my other friend and I were going out for my “friend’s” birthday in like a week. Well, she told me over the phone the next day, that she had scabies, and to not tell our other friend. She said she’s not contagious anymore and explained how she had to go to two different places before they figured out that’s what it was. And something about using a cream or going to pick some kind of cream up for it.

I told our other friend as he deserved to know and explained that I wasn’t going. He said he was glad I told him. She then texts me that she got rid of them. And that it was back in August. Then she sent a text saying she wanted to get rid of them so she could have fun on her birthday. That she’s good, and we could still go. But the way she worded it just proves she’s just lying to get her way. She’s lying for selfish reasons so she can go out not even care that she could give my other friend and I mites. I’m getting sick and tired of her lying to me and only coming to me when she wants something. Idk I just think it’s selfish of her to not try and wait until she knows for sure that she doesn’t have them anymore before going out to a crowded arcade, and spending two hours in a car with two other people. Apparently our other friend is still going to go because he believes her.

She also deleted him and my mom after I told them and then denied it when I asked why.

On top of that, I saw her at the store a couple weeks ago, with her ex, and she talked to me when I saw her and she didn’t even acknowledge him standing by her. When I got home, she sent a text saying he just needed a ride to the store, and that she wasn’t in a relationship with him. (Mind you, she was in the hospital, and she almost died, all while he was at home, in the house SHE paid for, cheating on her.)

A few days ago, she posted they got married. I told her I’d support her decisions, so idk why she hid that from me.

So, I think I’m going to remove her out of my life. I hate to do it but she’s rude, judgemental, and frankly I’m tired of the drama she keeps pulling me into. I probably should have cut ties as soon as I found out she slept with my bf I had in HS. Or after she basically bragged about cheating on her first husband. She never asks how I’m doing either. It’s always her, her, her. Ok, I’m done venting about it... haha. 😅☹️

Now, I’m down to maybe 2 friends at most. Honestly, one is an ex, and the other I just started talking to on a dating app.