Canceled and canceled and I’m gonna die alone

I wanted to have fun this weekend because I love Halloween and I know my friend does too. I just wanted to have a sleepover and watch horror movies or maybe just Halloween movies in general, and watch my little brothers trick or treat with my bf. I made sure everyone was free and everything was going smoothly until the forecast suddenly changed. Beggars night is changed to Saturday instead of Thursday so my friend can’t come over because she wants to watch her little sister but we can’t go together and the 15 minutes drive to my house is so long it’ll be too late for a sleepover(at 6pm) and my boyfriend is busy on Saturday and just stopped texting me for no reason and once again the universe decides I’m just going to be alone. I hate this. Every time I’m excited about something it blows up in my face. Every. Time. Every party. Every date. Every sleepover. Every hangout. Every birthday. Every holiday. Every camping trip. If I plan it or get excited, the world has to send me a huge middle finger.

Sleep over with the girl you have a crush on? Fuck you, she steals your parents alcohol and blames you. Going away party cause you’re moving and slowly loosing touch with your friends? Fuckk youu, they all say they’re free then ALL cancel just minutes before without reason, and vanish from your life without a single goodbye. Date with your boyfriend on Valentine’s Day? Fuuuuuckkkkk youuuuuu, he cancels and your grandma dies and he doesn’t even notice that you stopped texting him until five days later because you were at the wake and funeral instead of school for two days and doesn’t even hug you back next time he sees you. Sweet sixteen? Fuuuckk yoouuu, there’s a global pandemic so no party and your parents don’t even get you presents or a cake or ice cream and no one even wishes you a happy birthday except a childhood friend who texts you maybe once every other month, and some random girl you did one class project with on Facebook.