Breastfeeding issues


My daughter is three weeks old & since the day she was born we’ve had latching issues. She likes to be on the boob but I could never get more then the nipple in most days but I didn’t give up. My milk supply isn’t increasing & baby was born 9lbs 3oz so she’s needed more milk since the beginning which was stressing me out so I decided to get in touch with a breast feeding doula. Turns out baby has two tongue ties & her not being able to latch properly is most likely making my milk supply stay low ! She has an appointment Wednesday to get them removed. I am so excited to finally get us on track with breast feeding as I want to be 100 % breast milk. We have to substitute with formula some times if baby isn’t satisfied after the boob ( which is fine ) but I’d prefer not too.

Ladies if your having trouble breast feeding make appointments and ask questions!! I’m so happy I did and have knowledge on what’s going on with us. 🤍