Checking 11/5 +/-

Jancy • TTC since Jan 2019: I ectopic, I MC, 1 chemical, two retrievals, 9 (!) embryos on ice and one successfully implanted and due 10/8!

Hi ladies!! Hope you’re all hanging in there in this weird political limbo we’re in!

How’s everyone doing? What’s going on today? Lots of cycles getting started - exciting!

My update is that we decided to do another egg retrieval to bank extra embryos in hopes of having 3 kids eventually (we just put 4 on ice, I’m 34, have lost 3 pregnancies). In some ways it seems nuts since we might not need them, but I think I’ve come to a place where I’ve realized I need to have compassion for myself. I’m worried about having enough for good reasons, after a lot of loss and trauma about being on the ‘wrong side’ of a probability equation. I will have more peace knowing that when we had the option, we did all we could to give ourselves the best chance of building the family we dream of.

So that’s my update! How are y’all? What have you done in this process to have compassion for yourself?