Line Progression ❤️ *mini update*

C • Momma 💗

This is my third pregnancy in 3 months. I had a MC in September, a CP in October, and I found out I was pregnant Nov 1st. Both of the other times, my lines NEVER got this dark.

I’ve been taking one test a day (they’re not all the same brand. I’m not buying new ones, just using ones I already had) and wanted to share some progression with those who are into that sort of thing




11dpo (this was the one day I tested twice. I finally had a real line I needed to see it again 😂)


My one frer at 12dpo. I’m taking my last test tomorrow at 14 dpo, which is my last frer and then I’ll use that to announce to my fiancé on his birthday (which is Saturday but we’re celebrating tomorrow — yall, keeping this secret is KILLING ME 😂) and by then I’ll have the results of my second beta & I’ll be 100% done testing

Pregnancy after MC is a rollercoaster, but right now — this one is going up ❤️

Last test I’ll be taking, my 14dpo frer

First beta at 12dpo was 39

Second beta at 14dpo was 121!! More than doubled in less than 48hrs. We’re so excited.