What do I do guys ?

I knew this guy since highschool and we moved to the same place and he texted me and the last thing I knew I was at his apartment in his bed .

I didn’t think anything was going to happen I was lying there watching a movie and he started grabbing my boobs ...

And I tried to ignore it but he didn’t seem to get the message .

We didn’t have sex and this happen a month ago.

He asked me for nudes but I told him no and after that it seemed he lost interest in me completely.

He barely responds and before if he did want to see me it was only at night .

I don’t know what to do because I try not to text him but then I do ?

Hoping that he will somehow like me for me ?

I just keep making the same mistake so how do I stop myself from texting him all the time when he rarely wants to respond ?

I just feel sad because I didn’t want it to be one night thing and it’s going on a month probably two and well he goes we will see other today but he never texted me and he told me we will see which I just didn’t seem to get into it .

What do I do? I have apologized to him for being annoying at times and idk he told me I do to much.

Am I just making it worst by bothering him ?