6 Week Ultrasound


I wanted to share my 6 week 4 day ultrasound pictures from today because in the days leading up to my appointment I was scouring this app for other people’s pictures/stories.

I had mild cramping last week that by Friday had progressed to light bleeding as well and I was instructed, by my OB, to go to the ER. There they were able to rule out ectopic pregnancy but it was still quite early to get a good read on a heartbeat (they suspected they saw cardiac activity but could not definitively confirm). My OB then wanted to see me today to redo an internal ultrasound.

Everything is measuring right on track. Baby is measuring one day behind LMP but we expected that because I ovulated later than I usually do when we conceived. We were able to see the flickering of the heartbeat (still too tricky to hear) and my amazing OB was able to capture it at 133 BPM. She is happy with how everything looks right now. She didn’t see any evidence of a bleed around the baby so she isn’t worried about the bleeding I experienced last week.

Because I have a history of miscarriage (6 losses in the past 2 years) we are going back for weekly ultrasounds until we are out of the first trimester. We don’t know if this baby will be the one we get to meet in 9 months but we are celebrating every moment we get to experience with this little one! ❤️ My heart is so full today.