Pregnant after several miscarriages

Katie • First time mom 🌈 💗 My angel baby came 7/22/21 👼🏼 Pregnant with my second due 9/21/23💙💗 Blessed to be happy and in love 👫🏼

Last year I had 2 miscarriages. The first was in May of last year. My body rejected it after 7 1/2 weeks because it wasn’t growing right. And the next month I got pregnant again but my doctor thinks I had a chemical pregnancy. After that my hubby and I stopped trying for some time and just focused on us. Fast forward to now. I just found out I’m pregnant again! I am still 5 days away from my period but I’ve felt so different this month and so I started to track it and sure enough the line got dark quick! I’m just so nervous that I could miscarry again. I’ve been doing all the right things as soon as I felt off. And in my head I feel good this time. I just really am hoping that my body blesses me this time with a healthy baby. I just want to go full term this time🙏🏼 please feel free to share your stories