Getting back together in the future


My ex and I just recently broke up. We had an amazing and beautiful relationship and long story short broke up because he was afraid of the future and afraid to commit and he would put all his effort in to me and stop focusing on his friends and school.

I still feel like he’s my person though. We got along so well and we were so open and honest with each other. Being with him just felt so right.

We’re both young (20&21) and we’re getting to our last year of college. He hates college and especially the one he’s at. I really think a lot of his commitment issues are just because he’s so worried about what he wants to be, graduating, and the fact that he’s miserable here.

I guess I’m wondering if you guys believe in the right person wrong time/ if it’s meant to be you’ll find your way back together mentality?

I know he can see a future with me and I definitely can see him in mine. He just worries about making promises.

I was also wondering if you got back with an ex after a few months/years apart and it worked, when you broke up did you know you’d get back together one day or did you think that was the end?