*LONG POST**Boyfriend upset over social media..

I’m more so venting but this is gonna be really long.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. We broke up August 2020 and recently got back together. Long story short we both had our own issues separate to the relationship that was affecting our relationship and we broke up to work on ourselves blah blah blah....well here I am at 245am (eastern time) and he texted me at midnight because I followed “too many men” on Instagram..... all except 5 of these “men” were family members. The other 5 were male celebrities that he made me unfollow because he “doesn’t need or want a groupie girlfriend.” So I made the argument that it’s just social media and just because I follow a celebrity doesn’t mean I want to f**k them or anything I just like and support their music. And he argued back that I used to get upset that in the beginning of our relationship he wouldn’t post pictures of me or anything of me on social media. I told him he can’t make that same point cause it’s two different things. I post him all the time, our relationship is known to the public (I don’t post intimate stuff but just pictures of us out and about) He LOVES to claim he is an alpha male and that “alphas don’t like their women to be sleazy”. (Keep in mind we aren’t in a bdsm/dom&sub relationship where there’s that exchange of power) He has shown controlling tendencies in the past and promised me that he trusts me but I’m not allowed to talk to my two childhood friends that have been my longest standing friendships, people who have known me 15+ years. I really want this time around to be different in the relationship. I feel like he doesn’t trust me even though he says he does. We had an agreement originally that I would still be allowed to keep contact with my long time friends regardless if they are males because to be honest if something sexual were to happen then it would of happened already. And same goes for my boyfriend he can keep contact with his female childhood friends too. We don’t go through each other’s phones or anything I’m not looking over his shoulder and he’s not looking over mine to see our phones. I guess I’m more upset about how big of a deal he made the Instagram thing and how controlling it seems. Like yeah a woman should to some degree submit to her man but that’s out of love and respect and just overall how some traditional relationships work, the man will lead. But I’m finding it hard to draw the line one what is lead into and what’s controlling and maybe that stems from my own childhood issues. (Btw if you read this far thank you❤️) When him and I were broken up fro two months all I could think about was him. I want us to work out I see a future with this man but we have so many obstacles even though we took time to get help mentally to sort our issues out. We know no one is perfect and we’ve had the conversation of we’ll always talk our problems out but after tonight I feel like things are going backwards. These last two weeks have been great we haven’t had any issues and the last day or so it feels like how it used to be and its really upsetting. I want us to be a team and this doesn’t feel like a team anymore. I don’t know how to tell him that I feel like we’re going backwards and I explained to him about the Instagram situation that in no way shape or form and I a groupie for following a celebrity on Instagram. I’m not liking pictures I don’t comment on anything. I’m literally on there for memes.