Am I in the wrong?

Some back story, me and my fiancé were friends in college. We had a group of friends that we all hung out with. Over winter break my fiancé didn't come back to school. There were rumors going around that one of the guys in our friend group raped him at a frat party. I messaged him asking about it and he said it was true and he wasn't coming back to school that semester. He ended up dropping out of college all together. Most of the people in that friends group too his rapist side, but the group pretty much fell out. My fiancé and I started dating a year after that.

Recently I got a friend request on Facebook from one of the others in that friend group. We started talking and she asked if I wanted to hang out with her and two of the others. She told me not to bring my fiancé because they are all still friends with that dude but he wasn't gonna be there. I went and hung out with them and the only reason I didn't tell me fiancé was because I knew he would make a big deal out of it. He did end up finding out which caused a big fight. He says that it was disrespectful and it hurt him. I didn't hang out with his rapist. I hung out with old friends who so happen to be friends with his rapist. He says it's still fucked up. I told him to stop being controlling and he left for a good three hours. He came back and hasn't really said anything to me. Is what I did wrong? I never would hang out with the guy that raped him. I feel he's holding a grudge over everything in that friends group.