Am I being unreasonable??



So my SO called me when he was on his way home from work and let me know he would be picking up his other two kiddos. I said great since it's been about two weeks that he hasn't seen them and our baby that him and I have together get really excited since shes by herself most of the time. I then follow to telling him to please tell his kids mom (his ex) to please not pick them up directly here since her and I dont see eye to eye and she has been very disrespectful towards me and he has really done nothing about it. He got mad at that point and told me not to start with my drama. To which I responded as calm as possible and told him that I did not feel comfortable with her coming here to pick them because everytime she does him and I have an argument because of comments she makes to him when calling him to tell him that she is outside. I personally have never been to her house, I dont know where she lives and quite frankly I dont really care to know. When him and i started dating she was not an issue. Once she knew who I was she has done everything in her way to make us fight because she is constantly text him even when it has nothing to do with there kids. She has told me that she wants nothing to do with him and that she doesn't have any feeling for him and yet she is still trying to get in the middle of everything that has to do with us. She even went to the extent to turn his little boy against me ( another thing he doesn't see 🙄). I dont think I'm being unreasonable with asking him to tell her to pick them up at the gas station that's just around the corner from us.. or am I 😥...