Emotionally Unavailable ?

Would I be wrong to breakup with my boyfriend because I feel emotionally unavailable? Like college has stressed me out to the max and covid and everything has just made my depression worse and I just want to be in bed all day, I’m always so tired and unproductive. I have no sex drive any more and I’m 18! And I know and feel so bad because he we’re both and school and deal with stress different ways. He likes to relieve stress with sex and I relieve stress by just staying in bed all the time. I hate that I can’t even bring myself to be how I use to be emotionally or sexually and I hate doing this to him. He’s literally the best boyfriend ever and so sweet but I know he has been wanting sex as well though and I always shoot it down even if it’s been over a month .Would I be wrong to breakup with him because of all of this? I know he said it’s not a problem with him but I feel like it might be. But I also know it would crush me not being able to be with him or talk to him