How did you chose your sleep training method? Did you pay for it?


So my son is 4 months old and we are starting to lean towards sleep training him. His doctor is on board and know our reasons and supports our decision. She actually suggested cry it out, which I am not necessarily against, just not sure if I personally could handle it. Especially because when my little guy gets going he coughs and I would freak out that he's choking (he never is, just coughing can be scary). Before you ask: he is growing fine, barely eats at night, has slept in his own room for 2 months and we respect our doctor and she respects us and our ultimate decisions on what to do. She just was telling me what she did.

I know there are a million ways to do this, I get advertised systems to purchase all the time. But IDK if that is worth it? Is it?

What method did you use? How long did it take? Did you buy it?