Back again for more advice

Hey guys! I came on here last week talking about my ex, that left me, and when I found out I am pregnant, told me that he doesn’t want the baby but if that’s how he’ll have access to me, then he’ll settle for that. Again he started treating me badly, after he moved me two hours away from my friends and family. Both of our names are on the lease so I can’t tell him, even though he packed all of his stuff and suddenly left me, that he can’t be here. So he came back on Friday. And ever since I’ve been miserable. I was starting to get used to being alone again whenever he came back. He keeps saying I have no choice but to be in his life because we share a child. He says I’ll never be able to leave him because he knows how I feel about not wanting multiple baby fathers and how I wanna settle down and get married. I don’t even know who this person is. He was never like this before. He was kind, thoughtful and caring. When I told him that things happen in life and I’ll just have to move on with my baby if I choose to have them, then that’s life. He told me the last thing he wants to do is have a baby with someone that looks like me. Who even says that? He’s just purposely doing and saying little things to get a reaction. Like yesterday, I bought groceries since he said I can’t touch his things. He took every snack cake like Little Debbies, opened them, bit then and put them back in the box. This morning he was on the phone with some girl talking about all the things he wants to do to her. And he knows I can’t leave. I have work and I’m back in college here now. I have to go to class and I have a really great job now. I’ve been taking extra shifts even though I’m exhausted just so I won’t have to come home. He also tries to sleep wherever I am. I went to bed in the bedroom, he came in there trying to touch me, I got up and moved to the living room and he followed. I can’t take this anymore. I said I an pro choice but personally pro life and I couldn’t get an abortion but I don’t wanna bring a child into this. And I feel like he’s only bothering me because I’m pregnant, I think if I get one he’ll leave again. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m sitting in my car outside because I don’t wanna go in here and be bothered. I slept in my car last night, I’ve lost 14 pounds over the last week. I don’t know how to get out of this situation. If I take my whole saving and try to move, I’ll still need about 6 more weeks before I have enough. What do you guys think?