My Mum Will Kill Me If I Get A Tattoo...

I’m 20, still live under my own roof but I have a job and at uni doing my own thing.

I really want a tattoo!! I’ve emailed some places enquiring on when I can get one...

The ONLY thing worrying me is my mum.

She’s told me she doesn’t want me to get a tattoo ever. My sister doesn’t, however my brother did and it wasn’t a big deal...but my mum has very different reactions to the things her girls do. Super unfair, I know.

It’ll only be 3cm in length and hidden by a bra/bikini on my ribcage - I’m just scared of her finding out!!

I’ve had my nipples done and there have been times where she’s expected me to try on a dress or bra with her present and I’ve REALLY stressed and had to weasel my way out of that situation.

It’s my body, I shouldn’t have to worry about other people’s reactions to things I do with it.

Any advice on this? I’m sure a lot of you have been in similar situations!!