
I had an abortion when I was 17. I wanted to keep my baby but I wasn’t able to. It was either keep it and move out or abort and stay. We were kids just starting out with many questions of how to provide for the best life of that baby. After the struggle and discussion with my boyfriend, I went thru with it; complete guilt and devastation.

I’m now 28, married to “that” boyfriend. We have our own home and 4 healthy boys. I’m blessed and I am grateful. I don’t know how my life would have turned out if I kept my baby, but every year that has passed I counted how old “he” would have been.

Now, 11 years later I’m carrying more guilt and sadness than I did. I regret not standing up for myself and that baby. I’m crying more about it and think about it quite often.

I feel one day, when I’m gone, I’ll meet that sweet baby and apologize for what I did. Having my boys made me look at my past situation differently. 😔