Young moms with multiple children?


Just wondering how many there are on here that are still pretty young with multiple children. Sometimes I feel bad about my journey because I know how hard it is for others and it is hard for me to relate to a lot of people.

I’m 25 with 5 living children, 1 miscarriage before #5 was conceived, was breastfeeding but still found out I am pregnant again 10/31, unsure of how far along I am because I was breastfeeding and never got a period before falling pregnant. Only one pregnancy was semi planned and that was #2. My babies birth years are 2011, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, and due 2021. I was a teen mom, found out I was pregnant at 15 had my eldest at 16. I plan on this being the final pregnancy provided everything goes smoothly.