How did you move on for good?


I would think I’d be perfectly fine now but I’m not. I broke up with my first love over a month ago and I know it was the right thing to do but for some reason I’m still having a really hard time with it. I still keep having like flashbacks and all of a sudden it’s like all the negatives aren’t so bad. I don’t want to get back with him but I just want to get over him and be happy again. It’s just pissing me off. I still feel bad and I still care about him. It hurts me to think about him with another girl and I’m sad I’ll never have sex with him again even though the last time we had sex I felt nothing. I finally blocked him on social media but nothing is helping. I have to see him on the 9th because we have a class together and it’s the day of our final. It’s killing me. I’m so afraid I’m gonna like relapse and be the same as I was when we first broke up. I have zero motivation to anything and no friends because I lost mine over something his mother posted on Facebook. I feel so lost and I’m scared that when/if I get into another relationship or have sex with another man that I’ll think of him or something because it’s all I know. I just wish I could erase it from my memory because it would make things easier. Does anything have any advice or personal stories?