Anyone else tired of...


Being ignored? Not listened to..?

Thats my husband.. im just tired of having to repeat myself where i tend to do everything on my own now. Its hard, definitely hard (specially with a now two year old)

Even if its something small, says he’ll do it later and it never gets done. Or he says i never told him to... so ehh just doesnt pay attention or cares.

It sucks. Its tiring. Tiring in the sense of having to do literally EVERYTHING and getting no help, tiring in the sense i sometimes repeat myself 2-3 times( @times maybe even more), and tired of feeling like im non existent.

And yes, ive talked to him and told him how i feel. Told him how i dont like repeating myself either and even show how i get mad when i end up doing things myself. Nothing works.. guess he just doesn’t care?

And tuuuuust me, i had no help from him whatsoever in the newborn stage. He helps a bit more now though, by taking him out to the park here and there while i stay home and clean