Am i over reacting?

Okay I know all men look at other women while they are in relationships. I get it. I accept it.

But today, my boyfriend was in my back seat and my friend was in the front with me. We were parked in a drive thru. I notice a beautiful woman to my left and i immediately looked in my rear view at him. He had eyes dead locked gawking at this girl. I said " what are u looking at?" And it takes him another few seconds to even answer me..looks up and realizes that I can see him. He smiles. He says " what i cant look?"... And his tone made me silent all the way home.

Fast forward to just now. We are fine..ive dropped it..forgotten about it. He brings it up. How i was being silent. I said nicely...well i feel you disrespected me today and it kinda hurt me. And instead of being understanding or apologizing...he gets awful and rude. Calls me insecure and jealous. I said when you do those things, it MAKES me insecure. He said " YOU KNOW WHAT I WAS LOOKING AT!".. And I said what were you looking at? And he yells " I WAS LOOKING AT HER ASS!!!". I was shocked that he just said that. I said " i cant believe youd just openly say that".. He holds his fist back like he is about to jit me..and then stops himself.And he kicks me out. Tells me to go home.

We have been together for 5 years and we are in our early 30s.

Over a silly glance at another woman. I only wanted him to say sorry or that he wouldnt do that in front of me again. My hurt caused him to get so angry. I don't get it.