Sometimes I get scared

One of the streamers my sister follows passed away from covid this morning. She did everything right, wore the masks, social distanced, only went out when she had to but she still caught it and it put her into a coma and she lost limbs. Today she died. She was perfectly healthy and still very young before she caught it.

And I get scared, because my fiancé lives in a covid hotspot, he has to go to peoples houses and deliver furniture for work, and the people don’t wear masks when he goes into their house. He wears his all the time but I still get scared that he might catch it and I’ll never be able to see him again. That the last time he sent me back home on the plane will be the last time I ever saw him and I’m scared. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost him, he’s my everything. Covid has taken so many lives already, I just wish it would be over soon... I’m so tired of always being anxious and scared. I just want everything to be okay again.