teething babies

so my little one started teething pretty early. as my oldest did , but his fangs came in instead 😳 he’s got both bottom fangs. they haven’t made it fully through but they definitely broke the skin cause i can see the two little white spots and feel them 😅 he now has both top ones also coming in and was wondering if there’s anything i can do to help ? he’s been teething them since at least the start of 2 months and they haven’t really made it very far and he’s just a little over 4 months now. he’s extremely irritated and fussy. tylenol isn’t working and i refuse to use orajel in fear that because he likes to lick he’ll end up numb on his tongue. how can i help the teething process along better ? my oldest teethed very early and popped his bottom two front teeth early also but showed no signs of teething except the red cheeks and i don’t know how to deal with the fussy version of this

from a very tired and exhausted momma