Those not doing Santa for religious or otherwise reasons

How do you explain it to your kids? I have a 4yo who is just starting to grasp it, and I’m still on the fence of whether I want to do Santa or not. I am a forever learning Christian, I feel strong rooted but have so much to learn, I feel like doing the whole Santa thing creates an idol to “be good” for Santa to bring gifts vs doing good out of a genuine heart of servitude seeking to just do what is right to please God no one else let alone an imaginary dude with a beard. But I am so torn because I remember growing up how my parents did Santa so big and it was so magical(while also focusing on Jesus, but not as much as I hope to with my kids. We all went to a midnight mass at church and that was our main Jesus focus), I want that for my children too, but also know it can be 100% magical because the story of Jesus is a miracle. As of current I’m doing both because I’m unsure what to do about Santa lol, so the elves bring a little goody in the advent calendar and the angels bring Bible verses which help us understand Jesus & his life and why we celebrate Christmas at all.