Would it be wrong to walk off my job after this?

I can’t stand my boss. Can’t stand my coworkers. All they do is gossip about everyone when they aren’t in the room. I’m an assistant and I’m supposed to HELP clean up after them IF they are busy. But they act like I’m a maid. They leave wrappers and dirty napkins from their lunch on the back counters well as food and condiment globs/ crumbs.

My boss as well as a couple other coworkers tell me how skinny I am, and constantly make comments about my weight which is extremely hard to deal with since I have struggled with an eating disorder in the past. I have brought up not to make comments to my boss more than 4 times. He is also constantly touching my shoulders, knees, back, and runs his fingers through my hair. Makes comments on how I “don’t need makeup, but I should probably wear it” at least once every week or two. who fucking says that?

They don’t clean what I am supposed to while I’m gone on my off days. They have a girl who works on my off days but she frequently gets called off, so on my day of return I have to deep clean for the two days they leave it be. How the fuck is that acceptable ESPECIALLY during Covid and it’s extra cleaning precautions.

I went to an interview today for another job and told my boss it was for a doctors appointment because I can’t really say”this place sucks I’m finding another job” I come in only an hour late and he’s asking me if they gave me anything to help my appetite. I said out loud “excuse me?” I eat lunch everyday. It’s not like I don’t eat. I am 5’7” and 165, I am not underweight. I just can’t stand that disrespect.

My boss needed to sign something for me in order for me to move up in my profession (which he begged me for over a week to start the application and he would sign it) and he retracted his offer to sign because I’m paid off the books. I asked to be put on the books if that was the only issue and he said “I can’t you don’t work here” like wtf is that supposed to mean? Why would he push for me to get all the paperwork done knowing that that was needed before I even filled it out and then put of nowhere tells me no. It was like he was laughing and shoving it in my face. How rude is that? To laugh while telling me that “I don’t work here” I do ALL the cleaning an upkeep at work while everyone sits around on their phones not cleaning up messes they made. They can’t even do my job when I’m gone!!! His own words “we wait for you to get back because I like how you clean so well” disgusting.

I have had suspicions of everyone talking shit on me due to the fact everytime I enter a room when everyone is hanging out and talking it gets quiet, as soon as I leave I can hear them start talking. Today I went to the back and they were talking and laughing, I walk through the door way and it goes silent right after this dumb bitch says “she’s right there shh” I can’t say anything because I don’t know exactly what they said but I know for a FACT. She said I was right there because she looked at my face right as she said it.

I just don’t get it. I am a quiet person, I don’t care for small talk because let’s be honest, we don’t have to pretend to be friends just because we work together. But I’m also not going to be a bitch if I don’t like you, I’m here for the money, and that’s all I care about. I can keep it professional, and friendly. If you need help, sure I got you, if I’m not helping someone else, I’ll drop what I’m doing. I have never said no when someone has asked me for anything. Never gave a nasty look, or attitude, never stayed in the same room when they start talking shit on another coworker. It’s mentally draining to be around. Someone at my job last week tested positive for Covid and they never shut the place down or made us get tested. Just “keep it on the downlow” type of thing. This job is chiseling away at my mental health everyday. I can’t stay here anymore. I can deal with the cattiness but to trigger me into rethinking an eating disorder that I struggled with for over 11 years is something I can’t do.