Toddler doesn’t point

Hi ladies,

I’m cross posting because I am desperate for some advice

My son turned 2 in September and he has a speech delay- combined with probably the biggest autism red flag there is- he doesn’t point for interest frequently. He has, and he did before 18 months, but it’s never been consistent. One time we went to the beach, he pointed to everything, the seagulls, the ocean, other kids, but then that was it, he didn’t point for days again after that.

I would say he probably points to show maybe once a week. But he’s gone weeks without doing that.

I’m really looking for advice from a parent who has dealt with this before. Whether you have a child who wasn’t much of a pointer, or a child with ASD.

I know a decent amount about ASD. I know the spectrum is huge. My son is easily engaged, very social, he has excellent joint attention aside from the pointing to show. Great name response. No behavioral issues, very laid back and easy going. He does a lot of “showing” so maybe he’s a shower, not a pointer? But I also know this definitely does not rule out autism, as pointing is a really big deal. In fact, I have been googling late pointing/ inconsistent pointing for close to a year now, and I find pretty much every kid that doesn’t point for interest ends up with a diagnosis. I’ve never heard of a kid not ending up with a diagnosis with that.

Mchat score- 1

ASDETECT- low risk

Childbrain- ranges from 39-53 depending on how harsh I score- he is also under 3 so I give him some lead way there

Anyone have any input?