Mom hack for severe diaper rash- really works!


My 17 month old son got a little bug and had diarrhea for 3 days and even with desitin cream and prompt diaper changes his little butt got sooo red and inflamed and excoriated. He was so inflamed and painful he would scream-cry every time I would wipe him. It was awful. My mother in law told me about vinegar baths. You fill up your bathtub with warm water so it'll fully cover his bottom when he's sitting down. Add 1/4th to 1/2 cup of white or apple cider vinegar depending on the size of your tub. Let him soak for 10-15 minutes. You can do it up to twice a day if needed. My little one obviously felt better after a single bath, it didn't hurt as much to wipe, and we did 2 more baths the next day mid-morning and evening and his rash was almost completely gone. Use this next time baby gets inflamed! Good luck Mamas!