My boyfriend is stupid

So I haven't been wanting to have sex lately because I've been so fucking pregnant. I guess my boyfriend got horny last night and went downstairs to watch porn on our smart flat screen. I end up waking up and go downstairs and he's jacking off to a threesome. Guy was fucking the girl and another guy was fucking the guy in the ass while he fucked the girl. He looked at me shocked. I said "Seriously." This dude.... Gets up... Waves his hand... And said "This never happened, you are going back to bed now." This dude really tried to use the force on me🤦‍♀️. I told him next time he watches porn on our TV at least make sure its not 4am in the damn morning!

Okay why is everyone taking it like I cared that he was masturbating. Sure I was annoyed that it was 4 in the morning, but I just thought him trying to act like a Jedi was dumb. I thought it was funny. People take things too seriously.🤦‍♀️