Baby name drama

My husband and I are expecting our third child ANY DAY NOW I’m 2 day past my due date and it come down to the point of baby names and he wants to name our third daughter Ryean (rye as in the bread)

Would be a problem but first son middle name is Ryan

My second daughter name is ryann

And now baby number 3 is gonna be ryean.

My husband older brother Ryan went missing when he was a kid and to this day no one knows where he is or if he’s even alive. I feel for my husband I really do but I can’t let him name our third child ryean. I told him he needs to pick a name we both agreed on and he said that we do agree on ryean when I told him I’m not naming our child ryean

He got huffy and said I’m being insensitive to his needs and I told him that I love him and I know he’s missing his brother but I can’t name my child ryean

He can choose a different ’R’


He hasn’t spoken to me in 3 days over this he’s been sleeping in the guest room. How can I express to him that I love him but I can’t name our baby ryean.