What Should I Do?

So, over the past few months my bf & I have been going through some trouble. It’s really over our communication, and we’ve decided to give each other some time apart.

Right before the summer started my bf lost his job due to the pandemic & I was helping him constantly (with food & washing clothes etc.). It started becoming an issue for my family (really my mom & sister).

Fortunately, my bf just received a really good job, & altogether trying to get himself together so he can get his own place (out of his parents home), and the job is sending him back to school.

We just started talking again, taking things very slow (which is good for me), to see if this is what we really want, but my family hates it basically. I know if it was up to them I wouldn’t be with him. They basically feel like I’m a doormat to him. & that I care for him more then he does for me.

It actually hurts me because anytime I bring his name up, they’re always making a comment or a nasty face. For example, my sister asked me yesterday if my bf & I were exchanging Christmas gifts, I told her he said he would get me something but he said he was only giving this year he didn’t want anything. You had to see my mom’s face. My sis then said is he just saying that so you can buy him something. I got upset because I’m like he’s not afraid to tell me he wants something. & my mom she’s in love with my sister’s bf. She does any & everything for him.

I love my family & if my bf & I decided to get back together (which we haven’t yet), I want him & my family to have a great relationship. So, my question is, should I have a conversation with him to tell them how they feel. & that if he wants things to get better, he has to start showing them that they’re wrong, if they are actually wrong? & how should I say it?