My bf says it’s wrong to see friends 1x a wk as a parent, is it? (Read desc)

So I’m 21 and he’s 22, we have a 7 month old baby boy. And before we had him I didn’t really have many friends, I usually just hung out with him and his friends and saw my one friend once every 1-2 weeks. Now I started seeing my old friends again and it’s a group of us 5 girls. Well we hang out every Saturday and I have my parents watch the baby bc they LOVE to. But he says I don’t need to be doing that every week..

So everyone’s supposed to be hanging out and I’m going to say I can’t come bc my bf won’t let me??? Even though he’s at work and my parents are free to watch the baby. (They hangout with me even while I’m watching the baby too, they love him). But is it really wrong to see friends once a week?? Literally all we do is sit in the house and have a couple drinks, then I go back and get my baby

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