Sleeping baby extra loud daddy


Gotta vent. It never fails that Everytime I get my 16 month old to sleep at the right time with no issues, that is when Daddy seems to be extra loud and wakes her up and then I am stuck to deal with it cause he gotta get up early for work. It's always something like dropping the soap in the shower repeatedly which is on the other side of the wall. Or clanking the door or finding that empty water bottle from earlier or flopping down on top of those crinkly wipe packets or catching something with an arm or foot knocking things over. Or a sneeze at full force all dramatic. The morning is just as bad too. With his bazillion alarms that I end up having to turn off cause he don't. I am stuck nagging for an hour for him to get up and of course baby wakes up. If she goes back to sleep right away, then he comes in rattling all the vitamins bottles and groaning and grumbling and going in and out of the room way to many times for pointless reasons and icing on the cake is when he is finally ready and leaves he always slams the door which rattles the whole house and I'm ready to spit nails cause then there's baby girl standing up and bouncing away and lately if I don't give her immediate attention, the yelling starts. Every 2 seconds until I get up and then she gives me that big ol grin and arms up. By the time I get her situated again it's time for the stepkids to get ready for school. So then they stomp up and down the stairs over and over and it's always double cause they gotta follow each other back n forth plus yelling down the hall or up the stairs about nonsense. I'm so exhausted and I have nothing to show for it except a trashed house and a squeeley stir crazy baby. Ok I'm done my rant! Thanks for reading if you made it this far! By the way, Daddy is a keeper, he been my best friend for 25 years and he is great, but things annoy me and I just gotta vent it out!