Check in 12/27 +/-


How is everyone doing?

Any updates to share?

I'm on day 6 of lupron. I took a pregnancy test since we did try and I want to stop lupron sooner rather than later if I was pregnant. Negative. My period should come today or tomorrow and then start stims after.

This will be my 3rd and last retrieval. My first cycle, I got 18 embryos that all stopped growing. My second cycle, the goal was to do a fresh transfer but I ovulated before the retrieval so we had to cancel the transfer. From that I got 5 day 4 grade c embryos. If I had done a fet with them, I wouldnt have another retrieval covered. So we decided to bank.

I've been on dhea and ubiqinol. Ombitrope is not an option. I really hope this is it.