Making it into Heaven

Hey everyone,

I’ve always been a Lukewarm Christian but I’m trying my hardest now to get closer than ever to God. However, there’s just one thing that will not leave my mind at all. Seeing my loved ones in Heaven.

I know I still have a lifetime of proving myself worthy to the Lord and I’m not guaranteed Heaven for being a believer.

But I’m so so so scared about not seeing my loved ones who haven’t turned to Christ. A majority of my family believes however my grandfather does not. This man is my second father. I am so blessed to have him, I cannot begin to explain the amount of sacrifices this man has gone through to give all of his children and grandchildren an amazing life (some, including myself, are not blood related). I thank the Lord for him every day. He would walk through the fire for anyone of us, he is the most selfless, caring, loving, grandfather and I CANNOT imagine life without him.

With that being said, I’m scared of not running into his arms in Heaven (of course after hugging my Savior.)

He did not grow up in a religious household, he grew up in very rough conditions, he never had a chance to turn to the Lord. So he is unaware of how amazing God is.

So will God turn him away even if my grandfather does not know any better?

The Bible says that we will not remember them, but it just doesn’t sit right with me. How can I not remember what made me so incredibly happy?

I have anxiety over this and it’s making me sick to my stomach daily.

Again, I am just beginning to find my way back to the Lord so I am not very educated with all that goes on in Christianity so please try to be nice when replying ;(