1day late but negative tests...


Hi fellow 40 and over ladies.

I’m 42 and have been TTC for 2 years and about 3 months. We got pregnant about 6 months in but that resulted in a missed miscarriage (which was horrible - nothing like bleeding for like 3 months) that required a D&E. I started <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> just about a year ago and have had four failed cycles, with three transfers. This month, because I “failed” my Clomid challenge, I had to try naturally again. And boy did we try! So bc I had taken Clomid for the challenge, I ovulated super late - Day 24 (which was Dec 21) ans my period was due yesterday, Jan 4th. I tested yesterday with a clear blue and it looked like either a vvvvvfl or an indent. Tested again today with a digital and another clear blue and both negative. I have been having pregnancy symptoms, like sore breasts and fairly bad nausea and elevated temps. Nurse said it could still be too early to detect but I feel like I would have gotten a positive by now?! I just am hating my body right now. She’s being a big B! Ugh. If I’m not pregnant, put me out of my misery so I can redo this damn Clomid challenge and get on with it. I’m just so tired of the waiting and disappointments. It’s like it’s almost better just to go with donor eggs so we can at least stop TTC. Add to the complication, I’ve been stuck at my in-laws for a year now because of covid - my husband and I normally live in Shanghai but if i were pregnant, we’d figure out a way for us to go back and get our lives back. I just need this limbo to stop.

Just needed to vent. But also curious if any of you ever made the leap to donor eggs and/or adoption and what got you there?

Wishing us all a much brighter 2021! 🙏🏼💕