Newborn, need advice


Hello mommas!

So I just had my baby he came a little earlier than expected and was premature. He had to be in the nicu for about 10 days and thank the lord I got to take him home shortly after. He didn’t have any complications with breathing or anything but my questions is..... is it normal or have any of you seen your newborn making grunt noises, or wheezing noises? Rigth now all he does is sleep, wake up, eat and poo/ pee and repeat lol. I just want to know is normal for the noises to happen? During his sleep he grunts like he is pushing I’m assuming it’s gas, but also he makes this noises that worry me like he is catching his breath 😓. I read is normal but gosh they sound scary! Has this or is happening to them and is it normal???? Also any advise on the spit up? I haven’t gotten any sleep because I keep watching making sure he doesn’t choke on the spit up ( he sleeps on his back) and because of the constant noises that have me worried sick! The peditrician said it’s normal on his first appointment I still have to take him to his 2 week follow up. Sorry for the long testament I’m a first time mom so excuse the ignorance 😓😓😓 just looking for advice