Teen jealousy


HELP I'm 41yrs old and my husband and I have 3 child. They are all teens youngest is 19. We have been planning and try to conceive for the past 3yrs and but we were keeping it a secret did not want any one to know we were try until we did convince and were at least 3mth but my youngest went thru my phone and saw this app and got mad she has always gotten what she wants and knows that she knows she is jealous I guess I m not sure what is going thru her mind but she ask why if you already have us. I knew it would probably hit her hard but I didn't expect it to this degree. It has been a week since she found out and she has not spoken to me unless she has to and she is normal a chatty person. I don't now how to fix this dose anyone gone through this before any advice on what to do!😥